In order to stay caught up on what is going on in the world...
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Review the entire page of news on Ebola. Write a 7 sentence reflection paragraph on how you feel about Ebola and if your views have changed since you first learned about the virus.
I think Ebola is still very serious. It can definitely hurt you. I also know that our country's medical program is very good. It can do serious things to you, but if you get treatment you should hopefully be fine. I also think that the media makes it sound way worse then it actually is. My view has changed on it a some what. I'm not as worried about it as I was before. I'm not as worried because I know the people who had it in the US are cured.
I know the flu kills more but this kills in a matter of hours without treatment. I think if they did find a cure during an outbreak i think most people could not afford it.
I'm thinking that Ebola is still as serious as it was when the first case occured in America. I know that all three cases or whatever that first occured the patients survived but i think that was only because thay had the best care in America. In Africa they only get one doctor visit a day which would not help with the virus very good but that still does not change that if there was an out break in America lots of people would die. If an outbreaked occured in America we would get it way eaisier because they are more used to it and may be a little immune. So overall instead of sending troops over there and forcing them to stay 21 days after the works done we should keep them here and quarrentine people coming in from other countries for 60 days. Why quarrentine the troops but not forign visitors? I don't get it.
I think that Ebola won't be that much of a threat to us in the U.S. if we take good care of the people infected than we won't have to worry as much. However, if it does spread like wildfire, than that's a different story.
I think it serious but just in South Africa. That is the only place it is right now and it is not in America. I'm just glad that it hasn't spread all over America.
Ebola is a serious thing in Africa and has spred to America. The first guy who got in America should have not came home if he knew he was near Ebola. Ebola is not a good thing. With Ebola and the flu you would think that Ebola kills more but no the flu does. I hope that I don't get Ebola or people in South Dakota. With Ebola spreading i hope that it will stop with the help we have in the U.S. So I hope that Ebola will stop now.
I was pretty scared when it first came into the U.S.. Now I am not as scared as before! More people die from the flu then Ebola. Hospitals are pretty equip for Ebola patients. I think media plays a big effect in sacredness. I was scared when the first people died. I hope I don't get it.
I think that we shouldn't worry about Ebola because its not in the United states. Some people Are freaking out because they think more people are going to get it and come to the United states. I was a little scared when I first heard about Ebola But when they cured the man I felt better. The videos explained to me that you dont need to get worried when we hear about Ebola. It is a deadly disease but they have a cure for it now. Jinx said that the news people need to stop talking about Ebola because it's not getting very bad in the States. I don't know why everybody is spazzing about this.
I don't think we should worry about Ebola either. People are freaking out but they just need to settle down. They need to look at if from other perspectives.
I am not as scared of Ebola as I was when I first heard about it. Now that people have been cured, I know that it is possible to survive. I don't think the nurses should protest because the CDC is buying 3 million dollars worth of equipment to help the nurses. It is their job to help people when they are sick. The media is overhyping Ebola and making people too afraid. People should be more afraid of the flu virus. The flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people every year. That is a lot more than Ebola.
I agree with the fact that there's no reason to be scared of Ebola, but I disagree when you say the flu's more dangerous. If Ebola was as common as the flu, it would kill way more people than the flu.
I think the reason you don't think Ebola is that big of a threat, is because it has only affected a few amount of people in the U.S. I agree with Adam that people would take more care about Ebola if it spread to around our area.
As long as people who are sick get quarantined, the virus won't spread. I think the media is overhyping Ebola too. I'm not as scared either because the flu is more common.
this is a thing people should not be that worried about. i think that the doctors should investigate as much as they can before it gets worse. now i am not as scared than i was at the beginning. i am scared that i will get it and die. i think that no more people from Africa should come to the USA. we need to get rid of all the bats. this is a lot worse than the flu because the flu you can get shots to prevent it this you cant.
I agree with you that people shouldn't be so worried about ebola. I think alot of people are over reacting about ebola. It like a mini version of the flu. I think people just need to stop worrying so much about ebola. I also thought that it would kill alot more people when ebola first started but it didn't.
I'm not as scared of Ebola now as i was when i first heard about the virus. I'm not as worried because the flu kills 25,000 to 50,000 thousand people, and Ebola hasn't seem to have done that much harm in the U.S. While Ebola is more dangerous than the flu, the flu is way more common. I think if someone has symptoms of Ebola, we need to keep that person in quarantine for a few weeks. Ebola is a very dangerous disease, so we need to take it seriously. We need to do as much as possible to keep people safe. If we don't, this could become a much bigger problem.
I was worried too at first. I just think that ebola is done and its not going to spread any more. Also the media just makes ebola sound alot worse than it is.
I am also not as afraid of ebola as I am now. The video actually said that the flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people every year. It's probably because it's not as widespread as ebola is.
I was really scared of ebola when it first came to America, but im not as scared anymore. I think that i should be more worried about getting the flu than ebola. I dont want to be 1 in 250,000 to 500,00 people to die of the flu.
I was really worried about ebola when it first came out. After a couple of weeks of hearing about it just staying in the south I became less worried about it. But I think people like us up north, should still be concerned about ebola. Ebola could easily make it up to South Dakota if people dont take it seriously. I also think people who maybe think they have ebola should go in and be tested so it dont spread. I think its dumb how they kept letting people into the USA. And then they wonder why ebola is spreading.
I wasnt as worried about ebola when it was in the south too. I just kept hoping it wouldnt get up to Nebraska or South Dakota. I do not want to have ebola.
I'm not as scared about Ebola as much now as I was when I first heard about it. The flu kills more people in a year than Ebola has already. The problem is that people in west Africa and the U.S. continue to get infected. I was really scared when I heard that someone went to a Nebraska hospital and had Ebola, but I know that the virus won't spread quickly if he is there. I don't think that Ebola will come to South Dakota, but if it does, we need to be ready. People joke about Ebola all the time, even though it's a serious issue. As long as people are quarantined, I don;t see the virus spreading to South Dakota.
I'm not as scared as I was before. It was a really big deal when that guy lied about not having any symptoms but now he's dead so we can't do anything with him. I'm glad nobody has it in the US now.
Ebola is a bad thing. I hope that it does not spread to South Dakota. It sould not spread if people who have been to states that has had it then it should not Spread to South Dakota.
I was worried when Ebola was in the United States. But we shouldn't be worried because the flu is worst and you are very unlikely to get Ebola. The flu kills more people each year. Ebola is very serious but its very hard to get. Most people who had it in the United States was cured and were nurses. No one in the United States has Ebola right now. So most people are safe unless they let people from South Africa in the USA.
When i first heard about Ebola i was very scared. the thing that probably scared me the most was all the TV commercials or the news. Only one guy died of Ebola, because he came america in the worst stages. There was nothing they could do about. At that time they didn't really know very much about Ebola. Only four people have got Ebola and three of them where cured. The truth is there is no one in the USA that has Ebola That we have heard. I would be more scared of the flu right now instead of Ebola.
I think that the media over exaggerates Ebola. They make it sound way worse than it actually is. The flu is hurting way more people in the US than Ebola.
I agree with you Taylor, i was scared at first when i heard about Ebola; The TV commercials and news was a bit overly dramatic about the first Ebola out break. I'm happy that the United States haven't had any reports of any new out breaks so far.
Ebola is a serious sickness in west Africa. There was only a few people in the US that had it. Only because they got back from West Africa. We should more worried about the flu then Ebola. More people in the US die from the flu then Ebola.Yes, it is serious in West Africa and i do feel bad for people that get it. I also get that Ebola is serious and sucks to get.
The only reason why there is Ebola is in america is because he was from west africa. I also think it is a serious sickness . I dont think that it will reach us.
When I heard that Ebola was in America. I was scared That it was going to reach South Dakota. The only reason why that guy had Ebola was because he was from west Africa. I think that if there is another person that get Ebola in America when can cure them. How do I know this well, four people have gotten Ebola in America and three have lived from it. There are no more people in America that have Ebola , at least for now. So don't be worried about it.
We shouldn't be worried about Ebola. The media made it so bad and scary. Everyone got terribly scared of Ebola and it wasn't even in America. Now nobody has it and it has been cured. If they have a cure we shouldn't have to worry.
I am not that worried about Ebola spreading to South Dakota, let alone the United states. My sister, Emilia, said that it had something to do with the governmet. I don't believe her, though. I'm not scared about getting ebola. I understand that ebola is a bad and scary thing. It sounds kind of scary to hear that, when you get ebola, you have external and internal bleeding. After reading the articles and watching the videos, I know that many people have gotten ebola. But, most of those people are from different countries. I don't think the flu is near as bad as ebola, although it can still make you sick.
I do agree with you on the fact that the flu is not as dangerous as Ebola. I now realize that if ebola was as common as the flu, many more people would die. That would not be good.
I think that the only reason people were really scared of Ebola, was the media. The media madde it sound a lot scarier than it really is. Ebola has been seddling down, and so have people. I admit that i was first scared when ebola first came to America. When i heard that people were being cured in America I wasnt as scared. At this point I believe the flu is more dedly than ebola.
I also think the media was the only reason people were scared. I'm so happy that people are being cured that means i'm not going to die from Ebola. Malaria kills way more people.
I am not that worried about Ebola. I know it's least deadly than the Flu, but I'm not worried that it will come to South Dakota. I heard that 6/10 people die from Ebola. I'm glad that two nurses got cured. I watched a video on someone who was dressed up to cure Ebola, and he put chocolate syrup on his hands. He tried to take off the suit, and he had spots where Ebola would touch him when he took off the suit. I hope they treat everyone with Ebola.
I don't completly agree with you. I think that ebola is worse than the flu. I think this because I have had the flu many times but ebola is still a new and deadly experience for me.
The first time that I heard about ebola and how it had killed thousands of people I thought that I was going to die. As soon as I got home that night I told my mom that there was a desease that had killed many people. But now that I know more about it I'm not as scared about me dying from it. More people have died from influenza than people have died from Ebola, though the reason is that people die from the flu is that they don't know how to handle it. I think that ebola is worse than the flu because I have had the flu about 2 times a year since I was born but I have never experienced ebola and it is kind of scarry to get new sickneses.
When Ebola first struck the United States I was freaked out. But when I watched all the videos and read the article I found out that we shouldn't be scared. Hospitals are prepared for Ebola, they have trained workers. When the first victim that had Ebola came to the United states I was scared because I though It was going to spread to South Dakota. We shouldn't be scared of Ebola. If we do happen to get Ebola we can get blood transplants from the survivors of Ebola.
There are a lot of people that are saying people have Ebola. People freak out, and that's what they want. But we can't let people say that just for fun because some people actually believe that.
When I first heard of Ebola, I was really scared. I was scared the whole world would get wiped out by Ebola. But from what I have heard I'm not that scared anymore. I'm more worried about the common flu. The kills about 100,000 people a year, while the Ebola only has killed around 5,000. We should be more worried about the flu because it kills more people. Plus we have found a cure for ebola.
The flu isn't as deadly as Ebola could be in the long run. Many people think that the flu can't be controlled but there is already shots for it. Most people that die from the flu don't get flu shots.
Now that I know more about ebola I'm not as scared as I was at first. When I first learned about the desease I was really scared. I think that ebola is worse than the flu because I have had the flu multiple times, where as I have never had ebola.
I think Ebola is still dangerous, except it's not as dangerous as the Flu. I was really scared that Ebola would come to South Dakota, but now i feel like we are good to go. I'm so happy that people in the U.S. are cured. But people in South Africa they need better care. But there are other things that need more attention. I don't know what, but there has to be something. Social Media has blown Ebola to be this monstoruos virus. But it's not and people need to know that.
I agree with you, social media makes things sound alot worse than what it actually is. People should start posting about how ebola isn't as bad as it sounds.
I hope that social media stops talking about Ebola as much. I agree with you that I was really scared when I heard about Ebola. I feel much better about Ebola now.
Good job Maggie for not being scared, it's not in America don't be scared. It's not even in south Dakota no less Watertown. Start being worried when it's in hayti.
I am not as afraid of ebola as I was before. I am not as scared because eight out of the nine people with ebola in the US have been cured. It is a good idea that they are sending all of the ebola patients to Nebraska to prevent ebola from being spread in other hospitals. My cousin works at the hospital in Nebraska that all of the ebola patients are being sent to. In Africa the reason people keep dieing from ebola is because they don't have as good of medical care as in America. It is insane that the flu kills more people than ebola. I hope that ebola will just kind of die off like H1N1 did.
If I was your cousin I would have been really scared that I was going to get Ebola. I'm glad that Ebola didn't spread past throughout the hospital. I also hope that Ebola will die off.
Ebola will not be as bad then people think. Ebola will more then likely end by the time people get really worried about it. I hope ebola will end by i get it.
I am not as scared of Ebola as much. I know now that more people die of the flu than Ebola. Ebola is still a deadly disease but eight out of nine people that got it in the United States survived. Social media has a lot to do with Ebola. Social media is scaring people but really we shouldn't be that scared. Hospitals in the United States are prepared if lots of people get Ebola. I don't think we should be as worried about Ebola.
I agree that we shouldn't worry as much about Ebola. But we still have to realize that it is a deadly disease that kills you. Also, the media overhyped it too much.
I agree with you Payton, more people died from the flu than Ebola. If the Ebola out break happens again the United States hospitals will be prepared for the out break.
I was worried about Ebola when it first struck the United States, I was considering not to going to school if the Ebola virus came to my home town or near by. My thoughts and worries had changed when i read about Ebola more and more for instance the flu, the flu kills more people each year than Ebola. Well, Ebola all started from people going to Africa and back; not being careful enough and spreading the virus more. Most people who had it in the United States was successfully cured. No one in the United States has Ebola right now. Most American's are safe unless people start letting people from South Africa in the USA.
When I first herd of Ebola I thought I was in was very serious. Now I still think it is serious but not as much. Mostly because we have really good medical help. But now that people have been cared there is no reason to get so scared about it. I think in a few years people will not be scared at all. The nurses will have such good medicine it will be like the flu. Unless it spreads really fast right now.
I guess I am scared of Ebola. One thing that makes feel better is that the flu kills more people each year than Ebola. I just had the flu and it obviously didn't kill me. Some people are so scared of the flu and I don't understand. From the videos, you Can see that you can have internal bleeding and you can eAsly die. There is a cure for Ebola though. News has made a way bigger deal about Ebola than it really is.
It seems like people are over reacting about Ebola because it's not in America anymore. The only way you can get Ebola is if you come in contact with and Ebola infected persons pee or puke and I don't think that there is any of that around that anyone can get Sick from so it seems useless to worry. Also the flu kills way more people each year so maybe you should worry about that. You shouldn't be worried unless Ebola is in Watertown, South Dakota. News has blown up Ebola to be much more dangerous then real life. I will never be worried about ebola. Only nine out of ten people in America hevent died so if you are scared to be the 1 out of 10 you need to gather more courage.
At first I was scared. But when they started to cure people I wasn't so scared. I know there is a possibility to live. I think people are just over reacting. the only way you can get it is if you come in contact with someone that has it. More People die from the flu than from Ebola. 8 out of 9 people have survived. there are no people in the U.S with Ebola right now. we are all safe if they don't let any people in from Africa.
I think that Ebola is not good. I don't like that they treat people in Nebraska. But if they can treat them so they don't have it i am fine. I just hope that no more people will it. I think that they should stop sending people over because just more people will get and it will spread. Some people just get fed up with all this stuff but i hope it can stop somewhere at some time. I hope it don't spread into south Dakota but i hope some hospital are ready.
I am not that scared or worried about getting Ebola. In fact, I am not that worried about Ebola at all. Yeah, after learning about Ebola, I know that when you have it, you have external and internal bleeding. It sounds pretty scary, but I'm pretty sure that I won't get Ebola. After I watched the videos and read the articles, and I figured out that a guy survived, I didn't worry as much. My sister said it had something to do with the government. I don't believe her, though. I do not believe my life is in danger of Ebola. I don't think that the flu is any worse than Ebola. I just think that they have an easier way to recover from the symptom.
I think Ebola is still very serious. It can definitely hurt you. I also know that our country's medical program is very good. It can do serious things to you, but if you get treatment you should hopefully be fine. I also think that the media makes it sound way worse then it actually is. My view has changed on it a some what. I'm not as worried about it as I was before. I'm not as worried because I know the people who had it in the US are cured.
ReplyDeleteI know the flu kills more but this kills in a matter of hours without treatment. I think if they did find a cure during an outbreak i think most people could not afford it.
DeleteMost people in the United States have been cured.
DeleteI'm thinking that Ebola is still as serious as it was when the first case occured in America. I know that all three cases or whatever that first occured the patients survived but i think that was only because thay had the best care in America. In Africa they only get one doctor visit a day which would not help with the virus very good but that still does not change that if there was an out break in America lots of people would die. If an outbreaked occured in America we would get it way eaisier because they are more used to it and may be a little immune. So overall instead of sending troops over there and forcing them to stay 21 days after the works done we should keep them here and quarrentine people coming in from other countries for 60 days. Why quarrentine the troops but not forign visitors? I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteI am still scared to. I hope we don't get Ebola.
DeleteI think that Ebola won't be that much of a threat to us in the U.S. if we take good care of the people infected than we won't have to worry as much. However, if it does spread like wildfire, than that's a different story.
DeleteI think it serious but just in South Africa. That is the only place it is right now and it is not in America. I'm just glad that it hasn't spread all over America.
DeleteEbola is a serious thing in Africa and has spred to America. The first guy who got in America should have not came home if he knew he was near Ebola. Ebola is not a good thing. With Ebola and the flu you would think that Ebola kills more but no the flu does. I hope that I don't get Ebola or people in South Dakota. With Ebola spreading i hope that it will stop with the help we have in the U.S. So I hope that Ebola will stop now.
ReplyDeleteI think Ebola is still a serious threat if you don't thinks so you are not the brightest bulb in the factory.
DeleteI was pretty scared when it first came into the U.S.. Now I am not as scared as before! More people die from the flu then Ebola. Hospitals are pretty equip for Ebola patients. I think media plays a big effect in sacredness. I was scared when the first people died. I hope I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteSame with me.
DeleteI hope I don't get it either
DeleteI hope I don't get it either! Hospitals are prepared if we do get Ebola. Hopefully they find a cure.
DeleteI think that we shouldn't worry about Ebola because its not in the United states. Some people Are freaking out because they think more people are going to get it and come to the United states. I was a little scared when I first heard about Ebola But when they cured the man I felt better. The videos explained to me that you dont need to get worried when we hear about Ebola. It is a deadly disease but they have a cure for it now. Jinx said that the news people need to stop talking about Ebola because it's not getting very bad in the States. I don't know why everybody is spazzing about this.
ReplyDeleteSame same
DeleteWe should.
DeleteI agree with this. There is no reason to make such a big deal out of Ebola.
Deleteyour totally right that there to worried.
DeleteThere is now in the United States with Ebola right now.
DeleteI don't think we should worry about Ebola either. People are freaking out but they just need to settle down. They need to look at if from other perspectives.
DeleteI agree that we shouldn't worry about it anymore. The hospitals have proved that they can cure it. Everyone who gets it is in good hands.
DeleteI am not as scared of Ebola as I was when I first heard about it. Now that people have been cured, I know that it is possible to survive. I don't think the nurses should protest because the CDC is buying 3 million dollars worth of equipment to help the nurses. It is their job to help people when they are sick. The media is overhyping Ebola and making people too afraid. People should be more afraid of the flu virus. The flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people every year. That is a lot more than Ebola.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the fact that there's no reason to be scared of Ebola, but I disagree when you say the flu's more dangerous. If Ebola was as common as the flu, it would kill way more people than the flu.
DeleteI think the reason you don't think Ebola is that big of a threat, is because it has only affected a few amount of people in the U.S. I agree with Adam that people would take more care about Ebola if it spread to around our area.
DeleteAs long as people who are sick get quarantined, the virus won't spread. I think the media is overhyping Ebola too. I'm not as scared either because the flu is more common.
Deletei agree that it isn't as bad as the flu
ReplyDeletethis is a thing people should not be that worried about. i think that the doctors should investigate as much as they can before it gets worse. now i am not as scared than i was at the beginning. i am scared that i will get it and die. i think that no more people from Africa should come to the USA. we need to get rid of all the bats. this is a lot worse than the flu because the flu you can get shots to prevent it this you cant.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that people shouldn't be so worried about ebola. I think alot of people are over reacting about ebola. It like a mini version of the flu. I think people just need to stop worrying so much about ebola. I also thought that it would kill alot more people when ebola first started but it didn't.
DeleteI'm not as scared of Ebola now as i was when i first heard about the virus. I'm not as worried because the flu kills 25,000 to 50,000 thousand people, and Ebola hasn't seem to have done that much harm in the U.S. While Ebola is more dangerous than the flu, the flu is way more common. I think if someone has symptoms of Ebola, we need to keep that person in quarantine for a few weeks. Ebola is a very dangerous disease, so we need to take it seriously. We need to do as much as possible to keep people safe. If we don't, this could become a much bigger problem.
ReplyDeleteI was worried too at first. I just think that ebola is done and its not going to spread any more. Also the media just makes ebola sound alot worse than it is.
DeleteI was really scared to. I thought Ebola was so bad that everybody was going to die from Ebola. Plus more people die from flu a year than Ebola.
DeleteI am also not as afraid of ebola as I am now. The video actually said that the flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people every year. It's probably because it's not as widespread as ebola is.
DeleteI was really scared of ebola when it first came to America, but im not as scared anymore. I think that i should be more worried about getting the flu than ebola. I dont want to be 1 in 250,000 to 500,00 people to die of the flu.
DeleteI was really worried about ebola when it first came out. After a couple of weeks of hearing about it just staying in the south I became less worried about it. But I think people like us up north, should still be concerned about ebola. Ebola could easily make it up to South Dakota if people dont take it seriously. I also think people who maybe think they have ebola should go in and be tested so it dont spread. I think its dumb how they kept letting people into the USA. And then they wonder why ebola is spreading.
ReplyDeleteI wasnt as worried about ebola when it was in the south too. I just kept hoping it wouldnt get up to Nebraska or South Dakota. I do not want to have ebola.
DeleteI wasn't that worried when it was in the south too. i was hopping it wouldn't come to South Dakota.
DeleteI'm not as scared about Ebola as much now as I was when I first heard about it. The flu kills more people in a year than Ebola has already. The problem is that people in west Africa and the U.S. continue to get infected. I was really scared when I heard that someone went to a Nebraska hospital and had Ebola, but I know that the virus won't spread quickly if he is there. I don't think that Ebola will come to South Dakota, but if it does, we need to be ready. People joke about Ebola all the time, even though it's a serious issue. As long as people are quarantined, I don;t see the virus spreading to South Dakota.
ReplyDeleteI'm not as scared as I was before. It was a really big deal when that guy lied about not having any symptoms but now he's dead so we can't do anything with him. I'm glad nobody has it in the US now.
DeleteEbola is a bad thing. I hope that it does not spread to South Dakota. It sould not spread if people who have been to states that has had it then it should not Spread to South Dakota.
DeleteEbola isnt scary. We have doctors that can handle it. Dont be scared of ebola be scared of the flu.
DeleteI was worried when Ebola was in the United States. But we shouldn't be worried because the flu is worst and you are very unlikely to get Ebola. The flu kills more people each year. Ebola is very serious but its very hard to get. Most people who had it in the United States was cured and were nurses. No one in the United States has Ebola right now. So most people are safe unless they let people from South Africa in the USA.
ReplyDeleteI was worried that Ebola was in the USA because i didnt want to get it or even die.
DeleteI agree that the flu is worse. Also when you said "You are very unlikely to get Ebola." Also it is very hard to get Ebola too.
DeleteWhen i first heard about Ebola i was very scared. the thing that probably scared me the most was all the TV commercials or the news. Only one guy died of Ebola, because he came america in the worst stages. There was nothing they could do about. At that time they didn't really know very much about Ebola. Only four people have got Ebola and three of them where cured. The truth is there is no one in the USA that has Ebola That we have heard. I would be more scared of the flu right now instead of Ebola.
ReplyDeleteI think that the media over exaggerates Ebola. They make it sound way worse than it actually is. The flu is hurting way more people in the US than Ebola.
DeleteI agree with you Taylor, i was scared at first when i heard about Ebola; The TV commercials and news was a bit overly dramatic about the first Ebola out break. I'm happy that the United States haven't had any reports of any new out breaks so far.
DeleteEbola is a serious sickness in west Africa. There was only a few people in the US that had it. Only because they got back from West Africa. We should more worried about the flu then Ebola. More people in the US die from the flu then Ebola.Yes, it is serious in West Africa and i do feel bad for people that get it. I also get that Ebola is serious and sucks to get.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason why there is Ebola is in america is because he was from west africa. I also think it is a serious sickness . I dont think that it will reach us.
DeleteWhen I heard that Ebola was in America. I was scared That it was going to reach South Dakota. The only reason why that guy had Ebola was because he was from west Africa. I think that if there is another person that get Ebola in America when can cure them. How do I know this well, four people have gotten Ebola in America and three have lived from it. There are no more people in America that have Ebola , at least for now. So don't be worried about it.
ReplyDeleteI was afriad that it was going to make it way to South Dakota. I really didn't want to get it. I didn't want anyone around me to get it
DeleteI was scared too because i get sick easily. It is true that he got Ebola because he was in West Africa. Yes, we can cure Ebola.
DeleteWe shouldn't be worried about Ebola. The media made it so bad and scary. Everyone got terribly scared of Ebola and it wasn't even in America. Now nobody has it and it has been cured. If they have a cure we shouldn't have to worry.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI am not that worried about Ebola spreading to South Dakota, let alone the United states. My sister, Emilia, said that it had something to do with the governmet. I don't believe her, though. I'm not scared about getting ebola. I understand that ebola is a bad and scary thing. It sounds kind of scary to hear that, when you get ebola, you have external and internal bleeding. After reading the articles and watching the videos, I know that many people have gotten ebola. But, most of those people are from different countries. I don't think the flu is near as bad as ebola, although it can still make you sick.
DeleteI do agree with you on the fact that the flu is not as dangerous as Ebola. I now realize that if ebola was as common as the flu, many more people would die. That would not be good.
ReplyDeleteI think that the only reason people were really scared of Ebola, was the media. The media madde it sound a lot scarier than it really is. Ebola has been seddling down, and so have people. I admit that i was first scared when ebola first came to America. When i heard that people were being cured in America I wasnt as scared. At this point I believe the flu is more dedly than ebola.
ReplyDeleteThat's very true. If it weren't for social media, most of us people wouldn't be that worried. Sometimes I just like to ignore that social media!
DeleteI also think the media was the only reason people were scared. I'm so happy that people are being cured that means i'm not going to die from Ebola. Malaria kills way more people.
DeleteI think it's because of the media if there wasn't any people wouldn't be so scared. The flu has killed more people.
DeleteI am not that worried about Ebola. I know it's least deadly than the Flu, but I'm not worried that it will come to South Dakota. I heard that 6/10 people die from Ebola. I'm glad that two nurses got cured. I watched a video on someone who was dressed up to cure Ebola, and he put chocolate syrup on his hands. He tried to take off the suit, and he had spots where Ebola would touch him when he took off the suit. I hope they treat everyone with Ebola.
ReplyDeleteI don't completly agree with you. I think that ebola is worse than the flu. I think this because I have had the flu many times but ebola is still a new and deadly experience for me.
DeleteThe first time that I heard about ebola and how it had killed thousands of people I thought that I was going to die. As soon as I got home that night I told my mom that there was a desease that had killed many people. But now that I know more about it I'm not as scared about me dying from it. More people have died from influenza than people have died from Ebola, though the reason is that people die from the flu is that they don't know how to handle it. I think that ebola is worse than the flu because I have had the flu about 2 times a year since I was born but I have never experienced ebola and it is kind of scarry to get new sickneses.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you completly
DeleteWhen Ebola first struck the United States I was freaked out. But when I watched all the videos and read the article I found out that we shouldn't be scared. Hospitals are prepared for Ebola, they have trained workers. When the first victim that had Ebola came to the United states I was scared because I though It was going to spread to South Dakota. We shouldn't be scared of Ebola. If we do happen to get Ebola we can get blood transplants from the survivors of Ebola.
ReplyDeleteI really don't think Ebola is out of control and you don't need to freak out about it. I also think the hospitals can handle it.
DeleteThere are a lot of people that are saying people have Ebola. People freak out, and that's what they want. But we can't let people say that just for fun because some people actually believe that.
DeleteI was freaked out too. I was really happy when we found a cure for Ebola. We also shouldnt be scared anymore.
Deleteya same here but now i think that it is under control in the USA
DeleteWhen I first heard of Ebola, I was really scared. I was scared the whole world would get wiped out by Ebola. But from what I have heard I'm not that scared anymore. I'm more worried about the common flu. The kills about 100,000 people a year, while the Ebola only has killed around 5,000. We should be more worried about the flu because it kills more people. Plus we have found a cure for ebola.
ReplyDeleteI was really scared too. But i'm not anymore either. Yes, i agree there are other things we need to worry about other more major things besides Ebola.
DeleteThe flu isn't as deadly as Ebola could be in the long run. Many people think that the flu can't be controlled but there is already shots for it. Most people that die from the flu don't get flu shots.
DeleteNow that I know more about ebola I'm not as scared as I was at first. When I first learned about the desease I was really scared. I think that ebola is worse than the flu because I have had the flu multiple times, where as I have never had ebola.
DeleteYa same, but i am not worried about the flu.
DeleteI think Ebola is still dangerous, except it's not as dangerous as the Flu. I was really scared that Ebola would come to South Dakota, but now i feel like we are good to go. I'm so happy that people in the U.S. are cured. But people in South Africa they need better care. But there are other things that need more attention. I don't know what, but there has to be something. Social Media has blown Ebola to be this monstoruos virus. But it's not and people need to know that.
ReplyDeleteEbola isnt scary anymore. We have found a cure. So dont be scared because doctors can handle it.
DeleteI agree with you, social media makes things sound alot worse than what it actually is. People should start posting about how ebola isn't as bad as it sounds.
DeleteI hope that social media stops talking about Ebola as much. I agree with you that I was really scared when I heard about Ebola. I feel much better about Ebola now.
DeleteGood job Maggie for not being scared, it's not in America don't be scared. It's not even in south Dakota no less Watertown. Start being worried when it's in hayti.
DeleteI am not as afraid of ebola as I was before. I am not as scared because eight out of the nine people with ebola in the US have been cured. It is a good idea that they are sending all of the ebola patients to Nebraska to prevent ebola from being spread in other hospitals. My cousin works at the hospital in Nebraska that all of the ebola patients are being sent to. In Africa the reason people keep dieing from ebola is because they don't have as good of medical care as in America. It is insane that the flu kills more people than ebola. I hope that ebola will just kind of die off like H1N1 did.
ReplyDeleteIf I was your cousin I would have been really scared that I was going to get Ebola. I'm glad that Ebola didn't spread past throughout the hospital. I also hope that Ebola will die off.
DeleteI was scared too. We should be more worried about Malaria or something. The social media has made Ebola way more scary than it actually is.
ReplyDeleteEbola will not be as bad then people think. Ebola will more then likely end by the time people get really worried about it. I hope ebola will end by i get it.
ReplyDeleteI am not as scared of Ebola as much. I know now that more people die of the flu than Ebola. Ebola is still a deadly disease but eight out of nine people that got it in the United States survived. Social media has a lot to do with Ebola. Social media is scaring people but really we shouldn't be that scared. Hospitals in the United States are prepared if lots of people get Ebola. I don't think we should be as worried about Ebola.
ReplyDeleteI agree that we shouldn't worry as much about Ebola. But we still have to realize that it is a deadly disease that kills you. Also, the media overhyped it too much.
DeleteI agree with you Payton, more people died from the flu than Ebola. If the Ebola out break happens again the United States hospitals will be prepared for the out break.
DeleteI was worried about Ebola when it first struck the United States, I was considering not to going to school if the Ebola virus came to my home town or near by. My thoughts and worries had changed when i read about Ebola more and more for instance the flu, the flu kills more people each year than Ebola. Well, Ebola all started from people going to Africa and back; not being careful enough and spreading the virus more. Most people who had it in the United States was successfully cured. No one in the United States has Ebola right now. Most American's are safe unless people start letting people from South Africa in the USA.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first herd of Ebola I thought I was in was very serious. Now I still think it is serious but not as much. Mostly because we have really good medical help. But now that people have been cared there is no reason to get so scared about it. I think in a few years people will not be scared at all. The nurses will have such good medicine it will be like the flu. Unless it spreads really fast right now.
ReplyDeleteI guess I am scared of Ebola. One thing that makes feel better is that the flu kills more people each year than Ebola. I just had the flu and it obviously didn't kill me. Some people are so scared of the flu and I don't understand. From the videos, you Can see that you can have internal bleeding and you can eAsly die. There is a cure for Ebola though. News has made a way bigger deal about Ebola than it really is.
ReplyDeleteEbola is not in South Dakota yet, so people, calm down
ReplyDeleteIt seems like people are over reacting about Ebola because it's not in America anymore. The only way you can get Ebola is if you come in contact with and Ebola infected persons pee or puke and I don't think that there is any of that around that anyone can get Sick from so it seems useless to worry. Also the flu kills way more people each year so maybe you should worry about that. You shouldn't be worried unless Ebola is in Watertown, South Dakota. News has blown up Ebola to be much more dangerous then real life. I will never be worried about ebola. Only nine out of ten people in America hevent died so if you are scared to be the 1 out of 10 you need to gather more courage.
ReplyDeleteI am not as scared of Ebola as much either. It makes me happy to know that I don't have Ebola.
ReplyDeleteYou should not be so scared because it is rare to get Ebola. Really the only time you could get is if someone that has Ebola.
ReplyDeleteAt first I was scared. But when they started to cure people I wasn't so scared. I know there is a possibility to live. I think people are just over reacting. the only way you can get it is if you come in contact with someone that has it. More People die from the flu than from Ebola. 8 out of 9 people have survived. there are no people in the U.S with Ebola right now. we are all safe if they don't let any people in from Africa.
ReplyDeleteI think that Ebola is not good. I don't like that they treat people in Nebraska. But if they can treat them so they don't have it i am fine. I just hope that no more people will it. I think that they should stop sending people over because just more people will get and it will spread. Some people just get fed up with all this stuff but i hope it can stop somewhere at some time. I hope it don't spread into south Dakota but i hope some hospital are ready.
ReplyDeleteI am not that scared or worried about getting Ebola. In fact, I am not that worried about Ebola at all. Yeah, after learning about Ebola, I know that when you have it, you have external and internal bleeding. It sounds pretty scary, but I'm pretty sure that I won't get Ebola. After I watched the videos and read the articles, and I figured out that a guy survived, I didn't worry as much. My sister said it had something to do with the government. I don't believe her, though. I do not believe my life is in danger of Ebola. I don't think that the flu is any worse than Ebola. I just think that they have an easier way to recover from the symptom.